Our main goal is to help you do things better. To achieve clarity, confidence and success.

About Landis

Principal Greg Mills works closely with Landis' clients to help guide important decisions. By developing strategies to refine your point of difference, you can build enduring, value added relationships with farmers.


We focus on:

Honest, compassionate and inclusive behaviour

Seeing the people, not just the products and processes

Defining and solving problems, not covering them up

Making decisions based on a clear understanding of the numbers

Doing things well for long-term sustainable outcomes

Understanding success-factors in agribusiness and sharing them with others

Building New Zealand’s competitive advantage with new knowledge and capabilities

Helping agribusinesses to adapt and change with agility to continuously improve


Good reasons to call us:

Independent specialists

An understanding of family farming

Commercial agribusiness experience

Rural banking backgrounds

Deep knowledge and networks across the rural sector

Dedicated to helping farmers and agribusinesses do better

Focused on growing your capability and independence

Personalised service based on your goals

Long-term relationship approach

Confidential, discreet and trustworthy

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