Case Study

King Country farming business with inter-generational challenges.


Landis worked with the family in the development of an improved governance process, with major considerations in the transition of ownership options. This achieved consensus between family members providing a clear pathway to complete inter-generational ownership transition. The appropriate governance structure and process was needed to oversee these changes.



Landis was challenged with three different production systems within the one business, requiring a complex strategic plan which needed to deliver on every aspect. Facilitating the development and sharing of individual ownership intentions by each family member was critical to the success of a sound strategic plan everyone could buy into.



Landis worked with family members in the development of financial models for a range of ownership transition scenarios. Following which Landis worked alongside accounting and legal advisors to test and challenge the financial projections. By evaluating the merits of various options then presenting them back to family members, this allowed them to make an objectively informed decision.